Welcome to the exhibition!

History is not just a series of events that happened in the past. History is an attempt to understand the past. But it’s still 
important to be able to find your way between different events. The timeline is here to help you orient yourself. Instead of a chronological timeline, we chose an artistic representation. 
We wanted to show that time does not run in a straight line from ›bad‹ to ›good‹. Nowhere is everything better or worse — not in the past, and not now.

The imagery of Nazism was dictated by propaganda. That was particular true in sports. We decided on varying strategies for dealing with showing these images in the exhibition. Some images are behind plexiglass and are blurry. In some rooms, images are accompanied by descriptions.

We wanted to avoid reproducing racism, antisemitism, and stereotypical images. Some of the content in the exhibition may be disturbing.

We have tried to find voices of resistance in each time period. Often these voices were drowned out by the majority, but they were there nonetheless!

The exhibition does not contain any original objects. Instead, we decided to make reproductions of football shirts ans trophies out of modern material.